38 Imagens De Sonho – Arte – Fantasia Tolkien

Fantasia Tolkien

Quem é que nunca viu a trilogia Senhor Dos Anéis? O universo fantástico criado pelo John Ronald Reuel Tolkien inspirou milhares de escritores a escreverem mundos com criaturas deslumbrantes, hobbits, elfos, anões, trolls e orcs, algumas assustadoras, outras sedutoras, mas todas muito humanas, caricaturas das nossas emoções como o medo e o desejo.

Criamos mundos de sonho diferentes do nosso, para onde escapamos e vivemos aventuras inacreditáveis. São mundos da nossa criatividade. E é dessa mesma fonte que brotam os sites que criamos…

38 Imagens De Sonho – Arte – Fantasia Tolkien

Holy Sword by hgjart

Holy Sword by hgjart

War Dragon by kjherstin

war dragon by kjherstin

ORC by grafik

orc by grafik

Hobbit land wallpaper by equilibrium3e

hobbit land wallpaper by equilibrium3e

Battle Dragon by kerembeyit

Battle Dragon by kerembeyit

Orc rider by zsoltkosa

Orc rider by ZsoltKosa

Dragon by dem888

Dragon by dem888

Waiting for paladin by winerla

Waiting for paladin by Winerla

Holy War by stevegoad

Holy War by stevegoad

City in the Forest by zevenstorms

City in the Forest by zevenstorms

Forest Ogre Character Design by firecrow78

Forest Ogre Character Design by firecrow78

Dark Elves by namesjames

Dark Elves by namesjames

Ogre Bully by thenightlight

ogre bully

The Paladin by sasin

the paladin

Massive War Finale by serpentwitch

Massive War Finale by serpentwitch

World Of Warcraft Night Elf by d17rulez

World Of Warcraft Night Elf by D17rulez

Half Elf Girl by kerembeyit

Half Elf Girl by kerembeyit

Wheel of time by booom

Wheel of time issue one by BoOoM

Dark Paladin by 88grzes

Dark Paladin by 88grzes

99 by snowskadi

99 by SnowSkadi

Sing of Manetheren by underdogmike

Sing of Manetheren by UnderdogMike

Ogre by dem888

Ogre by dem888

Blood Elf in L5R by genzoman

Blood Elf by GENZOMAN

Notherrrr Elf by davidrapozaart

notherrrr Elf by DavidRapozaArt

To Avalon by krishnablacksky

To Avalon by krishnablacksky

Black by kerembeyit

Black by kerembeyit

Random fantasy by janaschi

random fantasy by janaschi

Dwarves by korwick

Dwarves by korwick

Winter fantasy by ironshod

Winter fantasy by Ironshod

Dwarf vs Orc by genzoman

Dwarf vs Orc by GENZOMAN

Night Elves by adeelquick

Night Elves by adeelquick

Fantasy by snowskadi

Fantasy by SnowSkadi

The Winds of Magic by daarken

The Winds of Magic by daarken

Artic Troll by kerembeyit

Artic Troll by kerembeyit

Luthien by skadj

Luthien by skadj

Arwen by LathronAniron

Arwen by LathronAniron

Elf Queen by alanlathwell

elf queen

Orc Warlock by kerembeyit

Orc Warlock by kerembeyit

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8 Responses

    1. Olá Luana! Fico contente que você tenha gostado! Um Abraço e bom fim de semana! Rui Soares

  1. São bonitas.

    Postem mais e mais e mais……………………………
    Obrigado pelo bom gosto.

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